Pes anserine bursitis exercises
Pes anserine bursitis exercises

pes anserine bursitis exercises

The number one thing that you got to do is a self massage on the correct muscles. Okay, let’s talk about the three things that you need to do. I would not look to do it though with the expectation that it’s going to solve the problem and you need to start exercising and massaging the muscles like I’m going to show you. So if you’ve been stretching for pain relief, it’s okay as long as you don’t feel your your knee getting worse your inner knee pain your pes anserine Bursa getting worse. That’s what this video is going to show you about here in just a few moments. And although this can give you some short, temporary relief, it really isn’t solving the root of the problem, which is what everybody wants, you want this problem to not be coming back all the time. Most people are told to stretch for this problem, they’ve told to stretch their quad muscles, their inner thigh muscles and hamstring muscles behind the thigh. And the stuff I’m going to show you here is going to help you out tremendously. Now you’re good to go, you can continue going on this video, you likely have pes anserine bursitis. Now if you’ve got pain at that pes anserine Bursa where I’ve told you that once you walk your fingers down, you feel it there. In fact, we’ve got a video linked in the description below that talks about other causes of inner knee pain. Now if you’re more tender, higher at the joint line, or even higher than that, that is not your Pez answering Bursa, you want to stop this video and go look up other stuff. And if that’s where your tender right in that area, that’s your peasants hurrying versa. And then on the inside of your knee, you’re going to want to go down several fingers, just walk your fingers about 234 steps down. So once you’re on the joint line, just move directly to the sides follow the joint line, and it’s okay if you’re off a bit, just drop your your fingers in this direction over your knee. That’s your joint line between your shin bone and your thigh bone. Where you feel the bones if you can just put your fingers on them and feel where the motion is between the two. And then find the bursa, all you got to do is wrap your hands like this loosely around your knee and bend and straighten your knees several times until you can feel the bones moving in there.

pes anserine bursitis exercises

You got to just see this next part so that you don’t injure yourself further, it’s important to know where the pes anserine Bursa is because it is on the inside of your knee, but it’s not on the knee joint, it’s just a little further down.

pes anserine bursitis exercises

Just in case you don’t have peasantry and bursitis. Towards the end of the video, I just have to tell you a few more things so that you don’t do the wrong treatment on yourself. So you’re going to want to watch this video to the end that cover the treatment. Please subscribe to this channel so that you don’t miss out on any of the helpful videos that we upload every single week. while avoiding unnecessary surgeries, injections and pain medications.

pes anserine bursitis exercises

And this channel is dedicated to helping people stay healthy, active and mobile.


David Middaugh, and I’m a specialist physical therapist that will pass on manual physical therapy.


Well, I’m going to show you in today’s video how to easily fix this problem to get the pain under control and sets you on the path to resolving this issue for the long term so that it’s not recurring, and coming back every few weeks or every few months. Do you have pain on the inside of your knee? Do you think it might be coming from peasant serine bursitis or bursitis in your knee, maybe your doctor told you that you’ve got pes anserine bursitis? Or you’ve googled this, look it up on the internet, and you think that it might be pes anserine bursitis.

Pes anserine bursitis exercises